Jurnal Giat Unggul
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Einstein's: Research Journal of Applied Physics
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JPEP (Jurnal Progres Ekonomi Pembangunan)
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Berkala Penelitian Agronomi
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Jurnal Manajemen, Bisnis dan Organisasi (JUMBO)
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Jurnal Pembelajaran Berpikir Matematika (Journal of Mathematics Thinking Learning)
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Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
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Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah
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Halu Oleo Legal Research
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Publica : Jurnal Administrasi Pembangunan dan Kebijakan Publik
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Jurnal Pembelajaran Seni & Budaya
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Jurnal Manajemen Rekayasa (Journal of Engineering Management)
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Journal of Language Education and Educational Technology (JLEET)
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Jurnal Biofiskim : Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran IPA
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Jurnal Sosio Agribisnis
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Jurnal Penelitian Budaya
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Physical and Social Geography Research Journal (PSGRJ)
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Indonesian Journal Of Animal Agricultural Science (IJAAS)
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Scientific Chemistry Progress Journal (JPKS)
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Jurnal Wahana Kajian Pendidikan IPS
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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmiah Terpadu
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Jurnal Kendari Kesehatan Masyarakat
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