Publication Ethics
The publications ethics in the Einstein's : Research Journal of Applied Physics is based on COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics) as follows:
Take full responsibility for the article and is a new and original work that has not been submitted. It is not possible to modify the content of the owned works that have been published in other journals. When the submitted article is being reviewed then the author should not apply concurrently to other journals. Allowed to publish works in other journals after receiving an official rejection from Einstein's : Research Journal of Applied Physics or if at his own request to draw the article for some reason before the article is sent to the reviewer. Must inform the issuer of the data inaccuracies in its published works so that the correction or revocation of the article can be done. Must contribute significantly and be responsible for any related to the article.
Reviewing all submissions objectively, fairly, and professionally. Informing if an ethical error is found in the article to the leader/Deputy editor for Follow-up. Obliged to ensure the authenticity of the article and be wary of plagiarism and excessive publication. Should not reduce, add to, and discuss the content of articles without permission. Follow the allotted time for the review process. Renewal request for review submission is in consideration of editor-in-chief.
Editorial Board
Actively contributing to the development and kindness of the journal. Act as editor of the Journal. Continue to support and promote the journal. Editors can accept, decline, or request a script change based on the reviewer's recommendation results. Editors can also consult with Editor In Chief in making article publication decisions. The editor evaluates that each initial script is originality. Editors must organize the manuscript fairly and wisely. Editors Choose the reviewer according to his expertise by noting the type of research from the author's submitted article. Editors must ensure that information about the manuscript submitted by the author is kept confidential.
Editor In Chief
Evaluate the articles fairly and solely on the basis of intellectual. Make sure the confidentiality of the article and does not disclose any information regarding the article to anyone other than those involved in the publishing process. Have a responsibility to decide when and which articles to be published. Actively seek the views of councilors, examiners, and authors on how to improve/enhance the image and visibility of the journal. Provide clear instructions to potential contributors regarding the filing process and what to expect from the author. Choose the right editor for the review process of the article.