Analisis Persepsi Karyawan Tentang Kepemimpinan Etis Dan Hubungannya Dengan Komitmen Organisasi (Studi PT. Dalang Kreasi Visual)
Employee Perceptions, Ethical Leadership, Organizational CommitmentAbstract
This research aims to analyze employee perceptions of the application of ethical leadership in the workplace, investigate aspects of ethical leadership that are valued by employees and investigate their relationship with the level of employee organizational commitment. Data collection was carried out cross-sectionally using a questionnaire. The population in this study were all employees of PT Dalang Kreasi Visual. The sampling technique is using purposive sampling or a sampling technique by selecting samples based on predetermined criteria. The results of this research are (1) Ethical leaders are very important in an organization (2) Ethical leaders are quite influential in employee performance (3) Ethical leaders are very influential in improving employee performance