Studi Kinerja Karyawan: Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Pada PT. Artha Cipta Selaras
Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, e-satisfaction, Employee PerformanceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of work stress on employee performance, job satisfaction on employee performance, and work environment on employee performance. To find out and analyze the effect of job stress, job satisfaction and work environment on employee performance at PT. Artha Cipta Selaras. In this study using an associative approach to determine the relationship of each variable. Data presented in the form of quantitative, analyzing the data by calculating the numbers, drawing conclusions and then testing the data by using SPSS 22.00. In this study, the object studied were employees of PT. Artha Cipta Selaras with a population of 40 people and a sample of 40 people with sampling using saturated sampling. The result of this research is that work stress has a significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance. Work environment has a significant effect on employee performance. Job stress, job satisfaction and work environment have a significant effect on employee performance at PT. Artha Cipta Selaras.